
Nursing Home Granny Cams Can Protect Elderly Loved Ones

granny cam abuseYou did your due diligence and chose a nursing home that you believe will provide care and comfort for your mother, father or elderly relative. You’ve done your research and have every reason to trust that the staff will do what they promised to do. How can you be sure though? How can you be sure they will get the care the nursing home promised — the care they are required to provide? There are many ways to monitor the nursing home’s care, but a “Granny Cam” may definitely help.

Elder abuse is rampant in skilled nursing facilities for many reasons — these homes are understaffed and overcrowded, the staff they do have is often poorly trained and paid low wages that don’t incentivize work ethic – to name two. Here are some things we can do to hold the nursing home accountable and make sure they do their job:

First things first, keep your eyes open, ask questions and report any suspicious activity to anyone who will listen at the nursing home. Second, if you have evidence of neglect or abuse, anything from bed sores and bruises to complaints from your relative, contact a nursing home abuse lawyer who will help you protect your family member and stop the abuse.

Finally, if you believe there is abuse going on – or even suspect it – install a hidden camera, also known as a “granny cam” in your loved one’s room in the home. Much like a “nanny cam” which keeps an eye on babysitters who are watching over children, a granny cam serves as your eyes and ears. You will be able to have an onsite view of the goings on, without the potential abuser knowing you are watching.

In August of last year, a nurse was caught abusing an elderly man from Queens on camera. Had the camera not been there, the man might have been beaten to death. The home health aide was sent to jail, with the granny cam footage as the primary evidence used in against her. The family sued the health aide and the company that hired her.

In Frederick, Maryland, a Courts allowed the footage of a woman kicking and hitting a 92-year-old nursing home resident to be used as evidence in an elder abuse case. The resident died, possibly as a result of her injuries. The caretaker’s trial is slated to begin in February 2015.

There are times in life when it’s better to be safe than sorry. Elder abuse is definitely one of those times. You elderly relative deserves proper care, dignified care, and care that complies with strict nursing home standards. Family members who are seriously incapacitated may be more likely to be neglected or abused, mainly because they can’t talk about what’s happening to them. In these cases, granny cams can say what your loved ones can’t.

If you are concerned that an elderly loved one is suffering from elder abuse or neglect, contact experienced and knowledgeable nursing home abuse lawyer Barry Sugarman for a consultation about your case.

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Winning Results

  • $1,400,000

    against a nursing home for the choking death of a resident

  • $1,000,000

    against an assisted living facility for injury and wrongful death of a resident

  • $930,000

    against a Middlesex County nursing home for a resident’s pressure ulcers and wrongful death

  • $3,000,000

    settlement for workers with mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis caused by asbestos in the workplace